Digital business clearly has transformed organizations. The quickening pace of digitalization and technological innovation has helped businesses to accelerate operations at lightning speed, scale storage, and infrastructure capabilities and bring efficiencies in processes. According to a recent Gartner survey data, 93% of CIOs at top-performing organizations* and 78% across the entire global sample (3,000+) lead adaptable and open-to-change IT organizations, thanks to the ongoing transformation to digital business.
To successfully lead digital transformation, CIOs must help their organizations move beyond digital experimentation and pilots and start bringing digital best practices to scale. Do you know what it’s going to take to get you there? We bring to you top 2018 IT Prediction that will help you get there.
Artificial Intelligence(AI) will be ubiquitous
Less human intervention and the ability to focus on more strategic business initiatives has made AI a strategic priority for enterprises, that will help them outdo the competition in their respective industries. However, enterprises are anticipating significant barriers to adoption such as product innovation/research and development, customer service, and supply chain and operations. To leverage the full potential of this technology and gain maximum ROI, these businesses will need to revamp their core strategies, so AI has an embedded role from the data center to the boardroom.
Data and Analytics will drive decision making
Awareness for BI & Analytics has risen significantly in MEA. Sectors including governments, banking, retail, energy, transport, and communication will see a greater interest in business intelligence tools amongst leading organizations in the region.
Greater cloud investment
Businesses will begin to invest a major chunk of their IT investments into cloud computing environments for high availability, high performance and cost-efficiency. Cloud infrastructure makes it easier for businesses to speed innovation and deliver exceptional customer experiences. Organizations are already experiencing improved productivity from their migration to cloud, and it has significantly reduced the time to deployment of new applications and services. The early adopters are all on board. Ambitious and visionary companies will make the move and will experience the benefits of the cloud.
Richer Cybersecurity vision
2017 has proven to be the year of Cybersecurity threats. Next year we’ll see that risk grow. Next year there will be a major increase in mobile phone spam, ‘gaming deleteware’ infections and Biometric hacking. Organizations will continue to increase spending on security and new solutions but will struggle to keep up with basic security hygiene such as patching. Hackers will continue to penetrate environments leveraging known vulnerabilities where patches have existed for quite some time.
In a nutshell, there are four trends that will drive and influence the regional IT in 2018. The explosion of artificial intelligence as a radical way of automating standard operations; analytics as an absolute requirement for agility for making informed business decisions; cloud computing as the platform to proud utility-like computing resources; and around all security that keeps on being pushed to the edge by these massively adapted trends.
On-Premise vs. Public Cloud
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2018 IT Predictions – Changing landscape of Digital Business
Digital business clearly has transformed organizations. The quickening pace of digitalization and technological innov...
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